protection for the baby. Henceswar sadhana plays a key role in Arham Pregnancy. Understanding this, the mother- to-be must prepare herself for an auspicious entry of the new life into this world.
Solar Breath and Lunar Breath
If you have watched the pattern of your breath, you would have noticed that most times, breathing happens only through one nostril. This is also known as 'swar' or ‘nadee. It is rare for a person to breathe through both the nostrils at the same time.
The left nostril is connected with the cooling energy of the moon and the right with the heating energy of the sun. When we breathe through the left nostril, it is known as lunar breath or Ida. Breathing through the right nostril is the solar breath or Pingala. When breathing involves both nostrils, it is known as Sushumna.
When you observe your breathing pattern, you will realize that you continue to breathe through one nostril for a while before shifting over to the other nostril. Sometimes while this shift is taking place, you are likely to breathe using both the nostrils. Otherwise, at any given length of time, one's breathing is either in Ida or
Pingala mode. Both of these have their own unique properties and thereby, different results. The property of right breath or solar breath is that of heat. It generates more of Pitta. The property of left breath or lunar breath is that of cooling and displays a predominance of Kapha. Breathing also affects the body temperature; it is higher when the solar breath is active, and lower when the lunar breath is active. Alongside, there are associated changes in the activity of the brain. Each breath is related to the opposite side of the brain. When the solar breath is at play, the left brain is activated and vice versa. The left brain is primarily ruled by rationality and the right brain by emotion. Whichever breath is active, the frequency and vibrations of that breath affect the mental state and the bodily activities. This is the reason why people are often described as 'brilliant like the sun' or 'cooling as the moon.
Recognizing the Breath
If you are preparing for motherhood, start paying attention to your breath. Observe whether you are breathing in the solar breath or the lunar breath. To begin this practice, shut your left nostril by
pressing your finger against it and