so, he can remove the negative aura from his child, and impart his own positive vibrations. Such power resides in fatherhood.
Hence the father plays an important role in Arham Pregnancy. In the pages that follow, we will see how the father can reach an auspicious aura to the mother by
the means of sadhana. In doing so, he also establishes a joyous bond with the child. While the mother is the primary caregiver for the unborn child, both parents can positively influence the child by sharing a loving bond with each other. Thus a strong family triangle is created.
"Arham Pregnancy is the aim of my life, and is now the movement of my life. To help expectant mothers to do the sadhana and find healthy solutions during pregnancy is my first priority. To prepare them in body, mind and emotion for natural childbirth and a baby who is endowed with good qualities - is my aim. Thousands of families have experienced successful pregnancies with the Arham method since 1996. Young women are now much more aware about healthy conception and pregnancy." - Sunita Chhajlani, Teacher, Arham Garbhasadhana, Indore
"I was facing a lot of difficulties while conceiving. Then I learnt the method of Arham Pregnancy from Sunitaji, one of the prime disciples of Praveen Rishi. Soon after, I experienced the joy of motherhood." - Barkha Jain, Indore