Ever so often, we come across parents who fail to raise their children with good values. So also, there are children who do not fulfill their responsibilities towards their elderly parents. The formula to erase such unhappy experiences and to usher in happy relationships is found in Arham Pregnancy.
circumstances of both. All of these factors neither sudden nor without reason. They influence the direction and outcome of the offer us the opportunity to know our true relationship.
selves, to learn, and to grow. Both Indrabhuti Gautam and Goshalak Relationships have the quality of receiving shared a relationship with Lord Mahavira. as well as rejecting. We can only receive from They were relationships that traversed many people with whom we share a relationship. births. Indrabhuti's relationship with We cannot receive from people with whom Mahavira always remained one of we have no connection. On entering a new devotion and love. Goshalak initially womb, the soul's first relationship - whether connected because of devotion, but later positive or negative - is with the mother and committed treachery. He continued to do next one with the father. All other so, up to Mahavira's ultimate life. Although relationships arise subsequently. Mahavira remained untouched by his As we know through our own negativity, even though Goshalak had been
experiences and the examples given above, it disloyal to Mahavira over several lifetimes, can be difficult to improve relationships in their relationship was not unimportant everyday life. It is easier if we start to set them – every lifetime provided an opportunity right in the womb. Therefore, it is imperative for growth and change for both participants for parents to understand the character of a through their contact with each other. being as soon as it enters the womb.
Relationships may arise from Some clues about the character of the connections made in our previous births; being and its relationship to the parents can we can also form new relationships based be obtained by watching for any changes on our understanding and aspirations in the mother - in her dreams, her food Whichever the case, relationships are