The Decision
of Birth
There are many questions that surround the miracle of birth. Who decides the relationship between one who is born and one who gives birth? Why is a certain soul born to specific parents? Is this the continuity of a relationship from a previous life? Is conception an accident or does it have some purpose? Is it a decision made in wisdom or in ignorance? Let us reflect on the mystery of birth and rebirth.
This Rare Birth
Most religious schools accept that while the body perishes, the soul is eternal. When the body dies, the soul moves into another body. The movement as well as the next life-form is known as gati. According to Jainism, a human being is not necessarily born a human being in the next life. Based on actions performed in the current life, the next place and life-form is decided. There are 84 lakh species of life which are grouped under four gatis or life-forms as follows: