essentialforherhealthaswellas herbaby's. Ifthe child in her womb, but also his nature and mother's life perception is a joyous one, there thoughts. She is the creator of his character. can be no greater boon for the child. Such Hence she does not have the right to feel a mother's aura is so bright that when it is helpless or pessimistic. Why would she want imbibed by the child, it will lead only to to impart such a negative character to her joyous auspiciousness henceforth.
own child! When Mahavira was born and The pregnant mother must make a
the news reached his father, King Siddhartha, promise to herself: Never to be sad or shed the king was amazed since he had been any tears. This rule cannot be broken under
waiting to hear the first cry of the baby any circumstances. She is not an ordinary
announcing its arrival. It is true that woman for these nine months. It is not an
Mahavira did not cry at the time of his own exaggeration to say that she is Brahma
birth. He had not received this quality while personified; she has the power to create
he was in the womb. Mother Trishla took within herself. In this duration, she is not
care to remain cheerful and serene during living for herself. She is living for her child.
her pregnancy and these were the qualities Hence it is important that she rises above
that she had given to her baby. Without any sorrow and tension. She must stay away from
disease, without any tears- this is how he unpleasant circumstances for these nine
was born! Any woman desirous of a baby months and focus on bringing joy into the
can undertake the sadhana to give birth to relationships around her. It is quite possible
her child in such an e er of creation should that not all quarrels can be resolved, but she be experienced without feeling helpless or must make sure that she does not deal with pessimistic. As the pregnant woman begins them during pregnancy. As far as possible, to experience this power, she will recreate she must learn to postpone stressful her own life. This is why it is said that the situations. If a child is born in an atmosphere
mother takes a second birth when her baby of difficult relationships, how can he have a is born. temperament of amicability and trust?
During pregnancy, the mother must Emotional Balance remind herself constantly that she is not
When someone troubles or upsets us just creating the body and mind of the
in some manner, we may not remember