Holistic Lifestyle
There is heart rendering description in the Kalpa Sutra of the time when the soul of Titahankara Mahavir arrived in the womb of mother Trishla. It describes how she spent her time - how she sat, how she stood, how she ate, how she slept, as well as her inner thoughts. There was only one goal within her, there was only one awareness - "The lord is residing within me". All her activities were inspired by this experience - she ate accordingly, she stood up with vigilance, she walked and slept in this awareness. The correct lifestyle with which she lived in this duration should be the inspiring force of every pregnant mother. Every mother must imbibe this divine experience of Mother Trishla within her that the child in her womb is indeed a divine being. When this experience reaches the mother's heart, it will also reach the child in her womb. By this