When the being arrives in the womb, three kinds of changes are likely to take place in the mother's behaviour - in her relationships, her food habits, and in her temperament.
anyone. It is just a behavioural pattern. auspicious to supremely auspicious. Thus By knowing these factors, the mother can even an attacker can be made into a friend. improve her own intuition and take care of her own nature and character.
Easing the Path by Surrender It is essential to see the mother's
It is easier to give up a habit at an early reaction towards others once the child stage, but when the habit becomes an enters her womb. For instance, she may addiction, it becomes very difficult to give it express happiness in the company of certain up. One has to then make extra efforts. If one people while becoming upset in the
has received and accepted goodness, it is a company of some others. Her state of matter of peace. But when one adopts wrong happiness reflects that those relationships
actions, how to get rid of them? For instance, are positive while her being upset could it is easy to give up alcohol at an early stage. indicate that those relationships are But when it becomes an addiction, it is negative. On this basis, she can take extra difficult to give it up. This is the reason why care of her relationships.
people go on repeating their mistakes even When religion walks hand in hand with though they may actually want to be free of the quality of discrimination, then even those addictions. adverse circumstances can be overcome. In this context, we can understand the There is no difficulty that cannot be role of the pregnant mother. She is the overcome by correct thinking and simple one who holds the life of the child in her faith. It is the aim of sadhana to establish hands when it arrives in her womb. If she a path that will move us from irreligion to undertakes meditation and sadhana and religion, carelessness to vigilance, purifies her own aura in those first inauspicious to auspicious, and
moments, it will lead to transformation