activate the karmic body.
All of them are listening to the same words, but each one offers a different meaning and interpretation. The more number of listeners, the more interpretations can be found! The incident is the same, but the reactions and consequences are different. The reason for this difference is the karmic body.
When we speak of karmic particles that attach themselves to the soul, we think of it is as something material. This is known as dravya karma, or the material form of karmas. These give rise to emotions of pleasure, pain, like, dislike, and so on which gives rise to psychic karmas, also known as bhaav karmas. The relationship between dravya karma and bhaav karma is causal. The bhaav karmas or emotional disturbances give rise to dravya karmas which get mixed with the soul. This in turn results in an influx of psychic karma. Thus each one is both a cause and an effect of the other. The psychic disturbances or mental waves are what we have defined previously as leshya. This is what connects the karmas and the soul. This leshya is present in every being, irrespective of his life-form and his condition. Our passions and the psychic waves of our leshya create our fire body. The fire body has the power to
Wealth or Adversity
Every soul comes with its own karmas, its own relationships and its goal. Along with these, every being also comes with its own nature and set of habits. Have you ever wondered how long these habits have been with the soul? Have they been with it for a few vears, or from childhood, or since birth? Or are they from a previous life? The soul carries pleasant and unpleasant experiences from one life to the next. It brings both auspicious and inauspicious influences of the previous life. No soul brings only merit or demerit; it brings both along with it.
The soul has travelled across the gateway of death, hence it carries the pain experienced at the time of death. It brings along the thoughts it experienced just before death. It brings along the leshya of that final moment. In fact, it begins its new life in the same leshya in which the previous life had ended. What we must keep in mind is that a soul that has experienced sorrow brings the aura of that sorrow. If it has come from hell, it brings the aggression and fear which pervades in hell. If it has experienced joy and cheer, then the aura will reflect these positive emotions. The Bhagavati Sutra