The Early Epigraphic Records of Mathurā
No. XIV L. A. - - - - ष १० [८] व २ दि १० १ __B. धितु मि [तशि]रिये भगवतो अरिष्टणेमिस्य [वेवर्त] ? - - Translation
“The year 18, the second (month of) the rainy season, the day 11............. [the gift] of Mita-siri (?Mitrasri), the daughter of...................a............ of divine Arishtanemi (Arishtanemi)..........
No. XV A. स ३० १ व १ दि १० अस्म क्षुणे B. 1. - - यातो गणतो [आर्यवेरितो शाखतो [ठा]णियातो कुलातो वह[तो] । कुटुंबिणिये[ग्र]
2. - - - - [अर्य] - दासस्य निवर्तना बुधिस्य धितु देवि लस्य। शिरिये दाणं । Translation
“The year 31, the first (month of the) rainy season, the tenth day, - at this moment a gift (was made) by Grahasiri (Grahasiri), daughter of Buddhi (and) wife of Devila at the request of the great (?) [Ganin] Aryya [Go]dasa, out of the [Kotti]ya (gana), the Aryya-Veri (Arya-Vajri) śākhā, the Thaniya (Sthaniya) kula."
No. XVI A. 1. सिधम् । सव[त्स]रे ३०। २ हेमन्तमासे ४ दिवसे २ वारणातो गणा - - - यातो[कु]
2. ----- - - - - - - B. 1. – णि अर्यनन्दिकस्य निर्वर्तना जितामित्रय [रितु]नन्दिस्य धीतु बुदिस्य कुटुम्बिनिये
प्रा - 2. रिकस्य - नो – f - प्य मातु गन्धिकस्य अरहन्तप्रतिमा सर्वतोभद्रिका । Translation
"Success! In the year 32, in the fourth month of winter, on the second day, a fourfold image of the Arhat (was dedicated) by Jitāmitrā, daughter of Ritunandi (Ritunandi), wife of Buddhi (and) mother of the perfumer......, at the request of gani Aya-Nandika (Arya-Nandika)......... out of the Varana gana, the... ya kula...."