The Jaina Stupa at Mathura: Art & Icons
3.15 Lions on the Pedestal: 3.16 Cognizance or Lāñchana: 3.17 The round carving of Tirthankaras - Mathurā style: 3.18 The Gradual Development of Belongings of Ascetics as Observed A) in Scriptures and B) on Pedestals of Jinas :
Chapter 4: The gradual development of deities in Jaina Pantheon: ... 109-130 4.1 The Trend of Veneration of Deities in Jaina Pantheon: 4.2 The Krsna & Balarāma with Aristanemi: 4.3 The Origin, Development and Practice of Tantra in Jainism: 4.4 The Contribution of Hinduism in the development of Deva cult: 4.5 The Yaksa-Yaksis in scriptures and Mathurā Art School: 4.6 Āryāvatī: 4.7 Negameșa or Harinagameși: 4.8 The Transfer of Embryo as described in scriptures: 4.9 The images of Negamesha from Mathura: 4.10 Vidya: 4.11 Laksmī: 4.12 Ambika: 4.13 Cakresvarī: 4.14 Some unidentified Deities: 4.15 Dharanendra and a Yaksi in a canopy of Parsva: 4.16 Sarsavati: 4.17 The Śrutadevi Sarasvati in Ardhamāgadhi Agama Literature: 4.18 Development of Śrutadevatā/śrutadevī: 4.19 The adoration of Sarsvatī in various scriptures: 4.20 The comparison of the three images of deities - Āryāvatī, Vidya and Sarasvati with their inscriptions: 4.21 The Popularity of the Deity:
Chapter 5: The other Excavated Artefacts of Mathura: ............... 131-155 5.1 Āyāgapatas: 5.2 Āyāgapatas in the Scriptures: 5.3 The Classification of Āyāgapatas: 5.4. The description of some of the Ayāgapatas (1 to 22) : 5.5 Railing Pillars: 5.6 The Concept of Salbhañjikā: 5.7 Defination: 5.8 Scriptural References (Rgveda, Nidānkathā and Avadānsataka, Raypasaniya-sūtra) : 5.9 Elucidation: 5.10 The adopted Theme of Śālbhañjikā in Sculptures: 5.11 Evolution of Śālbhañjikā: 5.12 Comparison of Stūpa with Yāna in Rāyapasenium-su 5.13 Toranas: 5.14 Some specimens illustrating life incidences of great men: 5.15 Few unclarified reliefs from Kankāli Tilā: 5.16 Chatra – The flat roof of Shrine: 5.17 Mathurā's Jaina images with special reference to Ușņișa:
Chapter 6: The Early Epigraphic Records of Mathurā ............. 156-232 6.1 The cult of Jaina Tirthankaras: 6.2 The Carving of Inscriptions: 6.3 Some distinctive Inscriptions: 6.4 Three images of medieval