The Jaina Stupa at Mathura: Art & Icons
the model of a stūpa at Mathurā. Art specimens obtained from Kankālī Tīlā looked similar to objects of adornment in the main hall (Preksāgrha)
d outer wall of the Yāna-vimāna of Suryābhdeva. This second Upānga (Agama-sūtra) describes the minutest detail of constructing the centre part of vimāna - prekṣāgriha of yāna. It is in two parts. The first part of the sūtra, is the story of Suryabhadeva who arrived at Amalakappā city in his yāna to adore Mahāvīra. The second part covers the conversation between king Pradesi and Kesi śramaņa of Pārsvanātha tradition. King Pradesi37 was under the sovereignty of king Prasenajit. He was believing in only on purity of mind and not in rituals. He was curious to know the difference between soul and body which was satisfactory answered by the ascetic Kesi. After the death, in the next birth king Pradesi became Suryābhadeva at-Saudharma-devaloka. When Suryabhādeva, with his clairvoyance knowledge came to know that Mahāvīra arrived at Ambaśāla caitya in the outskirt of Amalakappā city, he adored the Jina from his abode in Saudharma devaloka heaven and ordered his subordinates to prepare an artistic yāna vimāna to reach at the resting place of Mahāvīra. The given narration of vimāna is most wonderful and incomparable example of a building structure. Dr. Shah U. P. noted, “The same heavenly car i.e. yāna vimāna is the eyewitness account of the Jaina stūpa existed during Kuşāņa period as suggested by some scholars”38. The yāna was made ready by assistant deities as instructed by Suryābhadeva. They formed three flights of stairs in three directions east south and north39. The steps and supporting rods were encrusted with silver, gold and precious emeralds. Each stair case was decorated with attractive toranas which has been described widely in the sutra. Accordingly, doors were adorned with Aștmangalas, sparkling precious stones, colourful flags, couple of bells (with white, yellow and red colour), lotus bunches having different petals studed with costly gems,
37 Digganikaya - 2/10 38 U.P. Shah - SJA pp 129. 39 Rayapasaniya sutta, Gatha 22.23, pp 24-25.