Mathurā School of Jaina Art
discussed the belongings of ascetics in his book 54 that the composing period of Niryukti - the earliest commentaries on Agamas, was in 2nd century A.D., though during Valabhi Vacana, some researches were made but that is in Cheda-sūtras and Ogha Niryukti. The most of the archaeological references of upakaraṇas/belongings are available on the pedestals of Jina images where sādhus and sādhvis are depicted in various form. On Mathurā sculptures, the sādhus and sādhavis carried more than six belongings as seen on following bas-relief of JinaAn ascetic is carved holding a mukhavastrikā besides a folded blanket in usual way to covers his nudity (fig. 24, J.20 LM.). Here the inscribed names and gaña of Sādhu with his belonging kula is confirmed by the Pattāvali of Kalpasūtra. Thus here an ascetic is projecting the condition of Niganthas and portraying their order before the split of Svetāmbara and Digambara. Out of 14 belongings five to six are clearly visible in Mathurā's Jaina images. Other four arei) Pātra sthāpana, ii) Pātra puch, iii) Rajastrāna and iv) Gucchaka / pātrakesarika. They are very small cloth pieces not required any separate depiction. The practice of their use adopted with the tradition of using utensils. The motive behind the need of such small cloths are benefitted as a filter, to keep cleanliness and to serve as lid for water jar. Ārya Raksitasūri allowed to keep a mätraka since 1st - 2nd century AD. So out of 14, 10 are already mentioned. The remaining four are three bedcovers (Pracchadaka) and one cloth - Chola pattaka. In the Pali Tripitakas55 there is mention of Ekasāțaka Nigantha. Ācārānaga-sūtra as discussed earlier, a sādhu can keep one to three cloths. Svetāmbara monks later on started keeping Cola patta. Thus to keep 14 articles by Sramaņas are accepted by their tradition. Yāpaniya sect accepted 14 belongings in their literature but in practice kept only two - pratilekhana and excretory bowl56. The rest of the articles were
54 Jain S., "Jaina Dharma Kā Yāpaniya Sampradāya” pp. 469 to 485 and also pl.-3. 55 Frien Chill
- मज्झिमनिकाय, महासिंहनादसुत्त१/१/२ अदुवा संतरूत्तरे अदुवा ओमचेले अदुवा एगसाडे अदुवा अचेले।
- आचारांग सूत्र (आत्मारामजी) १/८/५१ पृ० ५८५ 56 चतुर्विधं उपधिं गृह्णता बहु प्रति लेखनता न तथा चेलस्य।
- भगवती आराधना (विजयोदया टीका) गाथा ४२३ पृ० ३२२