Ordinarily, that which is, cannot be absent, and that which is not at all, cannot be created. Not only philosophy welcomes this fact, modern materialist age too welcomes it. Though the three times - life of every entity gets proved by its natural creativity and changeability, yet the creator of this infinite world is some extraordinary powerful Purusa, and who can be that leaving the God? Almost all the philosophers support this view. They are unaware of the system of cause and effect. 'Who is the doer and the cause of any deed?' Until its secrete gets disclosed, the mundane Jiva remains deluded absorbed day and night in the obtainment and safeguard of the favourable things and removal of adversities separate to his own being. Yes then, the karya (effect) may be with respect to conscious being or unconscious being, without some cause its creation is not possible. And this too is also an incontrovertible rule that the effect is according to the cause; as is the seed sown, so is the fruit obtained, not otherwise. That way, principally the cause is of two types- one is upadana (material), the other nimitta (efficient), (we can say upadana as internal cause and nimitta