4 / MANAV DHARMA just and right deeds, and indulging ones self in such right deeds, he should control both his mind and body from diversions and make it so powerful that the mind can easily and rightly carry out the orders of the innerself or soul.
Right Conduct has been divided into two branches :सकलं विकलं चरणं, तत्सकलं सर्वससंगविरतावाम् ।
अनगाराणां विकलं, सागाराणां ससङ्गानाम् ॥५०॥ Explanation :
Right Conduct is of two kinds. Sakala (perfect or unqualified) and Vikala (Imperfect or qualified): of these the unqualified is observed by ascetics who have renounced all things and the qualified by laymen still entangled in the world. Description :
The conduct of such ascetics is known as perfect (SAKALA) who have totally renounced the house - hold life, who have detached all outworldly relations with the wife and other members of the family. who have removed all the feelings of passions, pride and grief and made their mind very stout and perfect. But those who are still busy and indulged in house hold affairs; whose heart is weak, who are unable to leave the sons and daughters, wife and other members of the family but who, while protecting themselves from injustice, follow the right and just path of character have imperfect conduct (Vikala or qualified conduct)
To describe again more clearly, that conduct is perfect where the man is deeply busy in thinking the spiritual attributes and where it is lacking, that is taken as Imperfect conduct. The Ascetics adopt Perfect (Sakal) conduct because they have not only renounced the wordly possessions but are also careful not to violate the inner feelings of any living beings and not to trouble them at all and who have very boldly abstained themselves from all worldly pleasures. But contrary to all these attributes is Vikal Charitra” - Imperfect Conduct, which is generally meant for common people to follow.
गहिणां त्रेधा तिष्ठत्यणु-गुण-शिक्षावतात्मकं चरणम् ।
पंच-त्रि-चतुर्भे दं त्रयं यथासङ्ग्रे चमाख्यातम् ॥५१॥ Explanation :
The conduct prescribed for a layman is of three kinds and assumes the form ANU, GUNA and SHIKSHA Vratas (vows) which comprise five, three and four kinds each respectivety.