feet. The woman again appreciated that action of the cow with the comments that now she had not to prepare the hearth as the cow had already prepared it. Again the cow also gave cow dung and that too was very much praised by the woman. Because the woman thought that now she had not sweep the floor with the cowdung as it had already been done by the cow. Meaning to conclude is that the household woman took every action of cow in right earnest opinion instead of taking it otherwise. In the same way every good and noble man should accept the demerits of others as the virtues. i.e. he should always look to the brighter side of a thing rather than to its darker side.
No chance may be permitted to come for criticisers to speak and his own action should be such, which the criticisers may not criticise and then every man should be ready to follow up the right
दर्शनाच्चारणा-द्वापि चलतां धर्म वत्सलैः ।
प्रत्यवस्थापनं प्राज्ञैः स्थितिकरण-मुच्चते ॥१६॥ Explanation :
The re-establishing there in, on the part of the lovers of truth, of those who are wavering in Right faith or conduct, is called STHITIKARANA (The sixth 'anga' of Right faith) by the wise. Description :
See, that no one can do his work in this world without the help of others. Giving and receiving cooperation is a universal phenomena, both in the worldly affairs and religious activities, as we see that no sound can be made with only one finger. Hence when we are bound to need the help of others we should also learn to be ready to help others, because this is the only way of giving and receiving help for each other Not to care for others means not to get others as helpful to us. If Every one is busy in his own selfish interest then how the work of others will be performed. Hence it must be our first and foremost duty that we should all be cooperative both in action and in behaviour. Now think of an example. All the five fingers of a hand have confronted with each other. The thumb declared itself the biggest, while the first finger told herself as big, and in this way, all the four fingers and the thumb stood against each other. The matter was taken to the High Court. The Judge asked to produce the evidences. The thumb argued that nodoubt he was the smallest of all in size but in the market his prestige was comparatively much more, which these fingers were lacking and the