MANAV DHARMA / 9 the destination. While on their path, they should not be tempted to various objects here and there, otherwise they shall have to face their fall and they will leg behind their companions on the path.
If there is an old, disabled or crippled man in our company, instead of being ignored he should be assisted to keep pace with us.
While avoiding all impediments or obstacles coming in the way one should not walk in a careless manner.
If amongst the companions, if noticed, there is one who has some thing, wrong in him, say he is hot tempered, one should not feel annoyed with him, and ignoring his fault, he should be given proper guidance in the company.
During the course of walking on the path, if some one is tired, he should be extended all help, like assisting him in walking or providing him with a Doli or wheel chair (Palanquin)
To avoid unpleasantness in the company, one should cheerfully adjust one self with others in such a way so that none likes to leave the company.
One should behave in such a way that others may have the craving for being only in that company.
All, here into, said above are possible only when one is temparamently tolerant; he is humble without feeling superior to others, he should be one who values others. Hence the most important need is to focus the attention on all these qualities, also because one may not be deprived of the company.
Those who are Co-travellers of a long path, should bear in mind all the above mentioned points.
Now the author is explaining. in the following verse who is a true APTA and what important qualities are needed in him?
सर्वज्ञेनागमेशिना 1 भवितव्यं नियोगेन नान्यथा ह्याप्तता भवेत् ॥५॥
Explanation :
In the nature of things the true. God should be free from the faults and weak-nesses of the lower nature (he should be) the knower of all things and the revealer of Dharma; in no other way can Divinity be constituted."