This world is like a dense forest, in which human beings, having fallen prey to dellusions, are wandering here and there, as a result of which, it has become extremely difficult to trace the righteous path. The great and noble Souls through their Divine Knowledge have achieved the right path and having tread on it, they have become bold, fearless and immune to all passions; they have also preached others to tread on that path in a similar way. Only such souls have been ranked as MAHAVEER and known with similar names. This becomes the bounded duty of every civilised person to treat them as their ideal, honour them and respectfully remember them ever and ever. So has the Saint SWAMI SAMANTBHADRA has reverently bowed down while commencing his religious treatise or 'Grantha'.
श्रीवर्द्धमानाय निर्धूतक लिलात्मने सालोकानां त्रिलोकानां यद्विद्या दर्पणायते ॥ १ ॥
Explanation :
I bow to Shri Vardhaman Mahavira, who has washed off all the impurities of sin (i.e. Karmas) from his soul and whose knowledge reflects (i.e. embraces) the entire Lokalok.
The knowledge of Lokalok signifies Omniscience pure and simple, Loka, being the Universe and Aloka all the rest of pure space lies beyond it.
Description :
SHRI is the name of Lakshmi the Goddess, who bestows joys and happines upon all living beings on the earth. Though the common people treat gold, silver and jewellery as the representative or significatory of Lakshmi, but rightly speaking, these are nothing but mere metals and precious stones. In fact, what is the difference between a Diamond and a stone? There is lustre in the one, but not in the other. It is towards the lustre- the shine that one and all are mad after it; and one, imitating the other, has been acting in a similar manner to own and possess them. The result is that these stones and metals have become valuables, compelling people to keep them in safes, with a strict vigilence on them, even to the extent of sleeping nearby and guarding them safely. They do so as they are afraid that these may not be stolen away. Just see- things, which were collected and preserved with a view to gain peace, pleasure