However, the modern management Gurus have now realized that the spiritual quotient is far more important than intelligence quotient and emotional quotient. Religious places are a vehicle for spiritual quotient. But modern education and media do not focus on this aspect. Some people educated in the modern system and some writers enjoy criticizing religion and religious places and hurting the religious sentiments of some tolerant people. They however have no courage to touch the sentiments of a certain religion and its followers.
It would appear that such persons have taken a vow to discredit religion by calling it unscientific, calling the religious rituals as matters of show off and calling the spiritual gurus as the agent of God. A particular columnist who is notorious for writing against religion, dharma gurus and religious places went to the extent of writing in one of his article "If my writings today has hurt the religious sentiments of the so-called followers of religion, I will consider that my writing has been successful”. This exhibits nothing but the cheap and perverse mentality of the author.
A person can be helped with vision by donating an eye. However, a person who does not want to see cannot be helped even with donation of an eye (vision). There is no alternate but to ignore them.
True, there may be negativity in any field. However, at the same time there may be hundreds of positive aspects which such people do not want to see.