Studies in
It is evident from Bharata and Abhinavagupta that there are three different modes of reciting or reading a sentence (verse, or passage) (i) sämānya" (ii) säkänksa and (iii) ni räkānkșa.. Sämänya pāțhadharma is our normal, usual mode of reading. It is easy to understand and appreciate or recite a sentence with its expected modulations (sākānkśā kāku). To understand the difference between the two modes of reading or reciting the sāmänyą and the Nirkānkşa-we will have to approach a professional actor who has perfectly mastered various pathadharmas and who can actually demonstrate the difference by reciting or reading them according to the sămânya and Nirākānksa modes.
From this exhaustive and critical survey of the treatment of intonation in Sanskrit Poetics it is evident that Bharata, Rājasekhara and Abhinavagupta throw a flood of light on the nature of intonation. Bharata is the first rhetorician who treats, of intonation in details for the guidance of actors. Rājasekhara for the first time arrives at the classifications of intonation with suitable illustrations. Abhinavagupta's work is, no doubt, a commentary on Nātyaśāstra but his brilliant exposition of intonation, its nature, its etymology, its varieties and its subject matter is marked by freshness of approach and originality.
41 TACTED TFT fra 1927€ : कण्ठेन शमन कुर्यात् पाठ्ययोगेषु सर्वदा ॥
- Nātyaśāstra XVII.108. Abhinava gupta's gloss reads :
मन्द्रस्वरेण वा पाठमारभ्य क्रमेण तार गत्वा मध्येन परिसमाप्नुयादिति श्लोकार्थः । यदा हि न दीप्तेन क्रोबादिना नापि मन्द्ररूपेण शोकादिनाविष्टहृदयो भवति तदा क्रमेण वक्तव्यवस्तुविषयोत्साहविस्फारणात् तारान्त गच्छन्नुपसंहारे मध्य एव विश्राम्यतीत्यनवशिष्टस्यायं (? ० त्यविशिष्टस्यायं) सामान्येन पाठधर्मः ।
Abhinavabh ārati, Vol. II. p. 389.