Sanskrit Sahityašastra
and has not completed its accent (Varna) or alamkāra; and, nirākānkşā kāku from the head (siras) and which begins with a high pitch and ends in a low pitch and has its accent and alamkāra completed.”
Abhinavagupta's gloss on these two varieties of intonation may be read with profit : "In the niräkärkṣās käku the sentence means just what it says, implies not a bit more or less In the sākānkșä käku the meaning conveyed by the sentence is not limited to the one understood through convention but implies something more or less, and this is decided on the strength of pramāna. Of course, 'pramāņa', meant here, is the context, the character of the speaker or of the person addressed to, and so on.
Abhinavagupta further tells us that the äkänkşā raised relates to (i) the change in the meaning (arthäntara) or (ii) the additions of some particulars to the expressed maeaning (tadarthagata eva višeşaḥ) or (iii) the negation of the expressed meaning (tadarthābhāyaḥ). Abhinavagupta further illustrates this threefold subject-matter of kāku :
(i) yad? rāmeṇa kṛtam tadeva kurute droņātmajaḥ krodhanah.
In this sentence the intonation suggests the meaning that Aśvattāman would far outdo Paraśurāma in avenging himself, when the meaning, understood through convention is only : "The infuriated Asvatthäman will do exactly what Parasurāma had done in former times).”
(ii) "Sa (? yasya) dasakandharam"9.
In this verse the intonation understood in 'tadātmaja ihāngadah" suggests the additional meaning that Angada, the son of the famous Vāli possesses all the qualities expected of Vāli's son. 5 The passage as printed, is corrupt. I give it below as restored by me on Hemacandra's authority:
यादृशो वाक्यात् सङ्केतबलेनार्थः प्रतीयते तादृश एव यत्रान्यूनाधिकः प्रमाणबलेन निर्णययोग्यस्तद्वाक्यं निराकाङ्क्षम् । तद्विपरीतं साकाङ्क्षम् । यस्माद् वाक्याद् यादृशः सङ्केतबलेनाथः प्रतीवते, न तादृश एव किन्तु
न्यूनाधिकः प्रमाणबलेन निर्णययोग्यस्तद्वाक्यं साकाक्षम् ।। 6 The text as printed is corrupt, I quote it bellow as restored by me on the same authority :
• तत्राकाक्षा अर्थान्तर एव, तदर्थगत एव वा विशेषे, तदर्थाभावे वा । 7 Venisa ṁhāra III 33 d. 8 This intonation has escaped the attention of all commentators and annotators of Venisamhāra.
Abhinavagupta's gloss on this verses clearly points out the change of meaning on account of the intonation :
अत्र काकुः कृत इत्युदात्तकम्पितवर्णस्योच्चदीप्तालङ्कारस्य चासमाप्या अतोऽयधिकं कुरुत इति काकुप्रभावादर्थान्तरे गतिः । 9 Hemacandra's Kävyänusasana (p. 337) and Māņikyacandra's Sa mketa (p. 307, Mysore ed. p. 200, Poona, ed.) read 'yasya' in place of 'esa'; the full verse is :
स यस्य दशकन्धरं कृतवतोऽपि कक्षान्तरे गतः स्फुटमवन्ध्यतामधिपयोधि सान्ध्यो विधिः । तदात्मज इहाङ्गदः प्रहित एष सौमित्रिणा क्व स क्व स दशाननो ननु निवेद्यता राक्षसाः ।।