Sanskrit Sāhityaśāstra
the issue of borrowing on a small or large scale and the legitimacy of doing so in the case of the epic and similar works. Kșemendra advises a would-be poet to cultivate a number of things, among which he includes 1. F T TH and 2. पुरातनवृत्तषु पदपरावृत्त्याभ्यास:31 and illustrates them. He opens Sandhi II of this treatise with the verse :
छायोपजीवी. पदकोपजीवी पादोपजीवी सकलोपजीवी ।
भवेदथ प्राप्तकवित्वजीवी स्वोन्मेषतो वा भुवनोपजीव्यः ।। The names given to poets may thus be explained :
int -One who borrows in the manner of a reflection of the original or one who imitates the general colour of a poet's, idea'.
96619519-One who borrows a word (or two). 9161951-One who borrows a verse-line.
site-One who borrows an entire poem. 97195167-He, who is taken by the whole world as a legitimate source, for example, the great poet Vyāsa.
Bilhana's Vikramānkadevacarita (before A. D. 1088) contains two fine verses · bearing on the topic of plagiarism :
साहित्यपाथोनिधिमन्थनोत्थं कर्णामृतं रक्षत हे कवीन्द्राः । यदस्य दैत्या इव लुण्ठनाय काव्याथ-चौराः प्रगुणीभवन्ति ।। गृहणन्तु सर्वे यदि वा यथेष्ट नास्ति क्षतिः कापि कवीश्वराणाम् ।
Tag gåg atau ala ali ga fery: 1| Canto 1. 11-12. i.e.
"Guard, O great poets, your nectar-like poetry, churned out of the ocean-like Literature, for demon-like plagiarists assemble in hundreds in order to steal it.”
"Or rather, let them all steal to their heart's content. This (literary) theft matters not to the great poets. The ocean, although robbed of its many ratnas ( jewels) by gods, remains even to date ratnākara (a mine of jewels).
Hemacandra's Kāvyānuśāsana, with the Viveka by himself (A. D. 1088-1172) is 'destitute of originality.' In him "we find a placid borrowing from... Rājasekhara. .” His discussion on the theme of plagiarism clearly shows that he borrows almost word for word from Rājasekhara and Kșemendra. Pages 14-20 of his Viveka bear this statement out. With the exception of verses 42-43, 59-60 that are taken from Kavikanthābharaṇa and examples of Padasamasyā and Pādadvayasamasyā which he has added, the rest of this portion is borrowed from Rājasekhara's Kāyyamimāṁsā 32. 31. 37714at: canadgrefeuerråfågata 27141
श्लोकं परावृत्तिपदः पुराणं यथास्थितार्थ परिपूरयेच्च ॥ 32 A. B. Dhruva defends Hemacandra thus :
...“Hemacandra is accused of borrowing wholesale from Kavyamimāmsa...But an impartial study of his work would show that Hemacandra wants the Jains to know all that the Brāhmanas