Sanskrit Sahityaśāstra
resemblances a poet should study the works of earlier poets. Rajasekhara disagress saying that one, possessed of a literary eye intuitively knows what is touched and what is not. Sarasvati makes words and senses flash on the mind of great poets even if they be asleep. An inferior poet although awake, is really blind to them. Great poets are blind in so far as other's poems are considered. As regards things unobserved by their predecessors they have a divine vision. What poets can see with their naked eye, even the three-eyed god Śiva or the thousand-eyed Indra, cannot see. In the mirror of the poet's intellect, the whole universe is, as it were, reflected. Words and their senses, of their own accord and with eagerness crowd on good poets. Poet's speech easily sees what Yogins, who have mastered the power of concentration, can see.
All this is true, however one may note that 'artha' (idea or matter) is threefold अवयोनिः 2 निहनुतयोनिः and 3 अयोनिः of these अन्ययोनि has two subdivisions, so too faga; af has no sub-division. Thus there are five divisions of artha. All these may be represented here in a tabular form:
अन्ययोनिः 1
तुल्यदे हितुल्यः
परपुरप्रवेश सदृशः
Dependence upon the poems of great poets is seen in some cases in the form of 1. Pratibimbakalpa-"Where the sense is the same entirely, but the setting is in other experessions,
that poem, not fundamentally different; would be a sort of imaging".
2. Alekhyaprakhya-by way of 'copy-sketch':
"Through a moderate elaboration of particulars a subject appears as if different: such a poem is by experts in the matter termed a 'copy-sketch' !
3. Tulyadehitulya-by way of 'corporeal equivalence":
Where despite difference of matter identity is apprehended through extreme
That poem, similar by 'corporeal equivalence', even clever men compose."
4. Parapurapravesapratima (sadṛśa)-by way of 'foreign-city-entrance' :
Where there should be substantial identity, but the garnishing is widely divergent