Therefore avyayam: indestructible, either of its own accord or by the action of another, i.e., eternal.
viśvasystyavanaghātakāraṇam: cause of the creation, preservation and dissolution of the universe. Vide the śruti: yato vā imāni bhūtāni jāyante, yena jātāni jīvanti, yat prayantyabhisamvi (Taitt.): "That from which all these beings originate; that by which all that are born live; that into which at the end they enter"; idam sarvamasījata (Taitt.): "He created all this''; ākāśaḥ parāyanam (Taitt.); ākāśam pratyastam yānti (Ch.): "ākāśa i.e., (here) the Paramātman is the substratum of the entire universe. The entire universe attains its dissolution in ākāśa, i.e. the Paramātman". That which is the cause of the creation, preservation and dissolution of the entire universe.
Thou art that Brahman. Meditate on It in thy mind.
260 अस्तभेदमनपास्तलक्षणं निस्तरङ्गजलराशिनिश्चलम् । नित्यमुक्तमविभक्तमूति यद् ब्रह्म तत्त्वमसि भावयात्मनि ॥२६०॥
astabhedam anapāstalakṣaṇam nistarangajalarāśiniścalami nityamuktamavibhaktamurti yad brahma tattvamasi
bhāvayātmani 11
That Brahman from which all difference has disappeared, which is inseparably characterised by the features (of sat, cit and ananda), which is unmoving like a waveless ocean, which is ever free and which is of undifferentiated form-thou art That. Meditate on That in thy mind.
astabhedam: that from which all differences have disappeared. Vide the śrutis: ekamevādvitīyam (Chand.): "One only without a second"; idam sarvam yadayam ātmā (Mānd.). "all that is this is the ātman."
anapāstalakṣaṇam: having the nature of sat, cit and ananda as its inseparable marks always.
nistarangajalarāśiniścalam: nistarangajalarāśi: from waves — like that, niścalam: unmoving.
nityamuktam: free from bondage always.