flection of the sun in the pot. The sun shines beyond all these, is self-effulgent and is seen in the sky.
taţasthitaḥ: indifferent to them all (udāsīnaḥ) who remains beyond these three; beyond the pot, the water in it and the reflection in the water.
Reason for this: tattritayāvabhāsakaḥ: illumining those three, namely the pot, the water in it and the reflection in the water.
svayamprakāśaḥ: what cannot be illumined by anything other than itself.
yathā divi vīksyate: as is seen in the sky. tathā: so.
222 & 223 देहं धियं चित्प्रतिबिम्बमेतं विसृज्य बुद्धौ निहितं गुहायाम् । द्रष्टारमात्मानमखण्डबोधं सर्वप्रकाशं सदसद्विलक्षणम् ॥ २२२ ॥ नित्यं विभुं सर्वगतं सुसूक्ष्म अन्तर्बहिश्शून्यमनन्यमात्मनः । विज्ञाय सम्यङ निजरुपमेतत् पुमान् विपाप्मा विरजा विमृत्युः ॥२२३ ॥ deham dhiyam citpratibimbametam
visșiya buddhau nihitam guhāyām drastāramātmānam akhandabodham
sarvaprakāśam sadasadvilakṣaṇam 11 nityam vibhum sarvagatam susūksmam
antarbahiśśünyam ananyam ātmanah vijñāya samyan nijarūpametat
pumān vipāpmā virajā vimrtyuḥ 11
Discarding the body, the buddhi and the reflection of the cit in it and realising well the real nature of the atman which is the seer, which is unlimited consciousness that is hidden in the buddhi, which is all-luminous, different from sat* and from asat,* which is eternal, infinite, omnipresent, extremely subtle, which has neither interior nor exterior and which is not other from Brahman, a man becomes sinless, free from rajoguņa, and immortal.
* In the special sense explained in the commentary.