itself to fall into three distinct categories: the animal-man; the man-man and the God-man. An individual ever a victim of his own gross instincts and a hopeless slave to his own emotions and impulses is classified as an animal-man. When
e has disciplined himself to have the above-mentioned qualities he is considered as a full-grown man and we term him as the man-man. Such a Vipra—meaning a man-man-has the necessary Vipratā to strive rightly and grow steadily to the last stage in his evolution the supermanhood or Godhood when he becomes a God-man.
Vaidika Dharma Mārga-Paratā :- When one gets a human form, the serener qualities of the heart, and the
Sātwic' attitude of the intellect, he is indeed blessed with all the preliminaries. But all these can run into waste if not properly harnessed and intelligently applied. So Sankara declares that even after gaining all the above qualifications, rarer still are those who will find the energy to apply himself faithfully to the methods of integration as suggested in the Vedic literature.
Selfless Karma-rituals and practices of devotion, Japa, Puja, etc., -alone can purify the inner personality and bring more and more integration to it. Concentration increases through desireless-actions, and a personality that has a greater share of concentration (Ekagratha) is termed as a finer Antahkarana. To prepare a steady concentration must be the initial attempt of all seekers especially in the Path of Knowledge.
Vidvatvam :-When such a fully grown 'man-man' having developed a high concentration becomes fit for a profitable study of the Scriptures, without a true knowledge of the "Why' and the “Whereof” of the techniques, he in his intelligence cannot for long keep his enthusiasm in Sādhanā The literature that shows the Goal, declares the path and gives the rational arguments for them both, is the Upanishads. Therefore the study of the Scripture is indicated here.
When, as above-described, a man-man having developed his concentration powers through selfless actions, studies the