Jaina Community-A Social Survey
Libraries, 267, 352, 355
marriage, 147, 174, 328; difference Limbadi Sampradaya, 300
of age between partners, 147; Lipisankhyānasangraha, 244
choice of partners, 147-56, 310, Literature, 263-5, 289-90, 368-70 398; rules of endogamy, see Lohadasājana, 325
endogamy;, rules of exogamy, see Lonkasaha, 54
exogamy; Savar a marriage, Lonkā sect, 54-5
148; Asavarna marriage, 148,
150; Anuloma marriage, 148, Magi, 242
150-51; Pratiloma marriage, Magic, 242
148; Sagotra marriage, 153, 311; Mahajana, 306
marriages with non-Jainas, 148,
311-2; marriages with Mlechchhas Mahāśivarātra, 239
149; marriages with prostitutes, Mahāvīra, 47-8, 51, 63, 65, 237, 256,
149; marriages with illegitimate, 359-60, 362
children, 150; marriages with Mahavira Jayanti, 235, 336
near relatives, 155-6; complete Mahāviraji, 254
freedom in selection of partners, Mahávratas, 210, 216, 222-3
150; marriage with parallel cousin,
156; marriage with Cross cousin, Makarasankrānta, 239, 336
156; maternal uncle-njece marriage, Malis (Jaina), 70
156, 311; ways of procuring a bride, Mānastambha, 231
156-8; marriage by capture, 157; Mangītungī, 254, 255
marriage by exchange, 157; marriMantras, 242, 247, 249
age by purchase, 157-8; marriage
by service,158; marriage by consent Maraṇabhojà, 308, 345
158; dowry system, 158, 328; marriMarathi, 263, 341
age ceremony, 159-62, 252, 338Marriage among Jainas:
9; marriage rites among functions of marriage, 137; Svetāṁbaras, 159; marriage rites object of marriage, 138, 141; among Digambaras, 159-61; obligatory nature of marriage, Jaina and Hindu marriage rites, 139; as a social act, 140; based 161-2; group marriage, 163; polyon local customs, 141; connection andry, 163; polygyny, 163-5, 174, with religion, 141; normality of 326; monogamy, 163; widow marriage, 141-42; forms of remarriage, 165-6; dissolution of marriage, 142-5, 147; approved wedlock, 165-7; divorce, 167, 174; forms of marriage, 144; sinful remarriage of a woman, 165; forms of marriage, 143-4; most intercaste marriage, 310-27, 335; prevalent form of marriage, 144; inter-sect marriages, 335, 394; use comparison with Hindu forms of Hindu rites in marriage, 339. of marriage, 144; competent
Maryādā Mahotsava, 55. person to give maiden in marriage, 145; qualifications of a bride
Matā, 249 room, 145, 174; qualifications of Matha, 267 a bride, 145; pre-marital sexual Mathurā, 367, 372 behaviour,146,162; age of marriage, Maunādhyuyanavrtti, 245 146-7, 174; consummation of Medicine, 267 marriage, 146, 162-63; child Migration of families, 331-2