Jaina Ethics and Miscellaneous Customs and Manners
108. Jaini J. L. : Outlines of Jainism, p. 74. 109. Glasenapp : Jainism, p. 375. 110. For a detailed discussion, vide Glasenapp : Jainism, pp. 397-401. 111. Latthe, A. B. : An Introduction to Jainism, pp. 44-45. 112. Stevenson, S. : Notes on Modern Jainism, pp. 94-95. 113. Glasenapp : Jainism, p. 401. 114. For the main characteristics and different varieties of Jaina Images, .
vide, Bhattacharya, B. C. : Jain Iconography, Lahore, 1939. 115. For the significance of these eight articles used in worship, vide Jain,
K. P. : “Šāstrokta Jaina Pujā Vidhāna,” Digambara Jaina, Vol. XXII,
pp. 401-408. 116. (i) Stevenson, S. : Notes on Modern Joinism, pp. 103-105; (ii) Latthe,
A. B. : An Introduction to Jainism, p. 47. 117. Glasenapp : Jainism, p. 398. 118. Stevenson, S. : Notes on Modern Jainism, pp. 99-102. 119. J. H., Vol. VIII, pp. 290-303. 120. Fergusson, J.: History of Indian and Eastern Architecture, Vol. II, p. 9. 121. 'Russell, R. V. : T. C. C. P., Vol. I, p. 227. 122. Stevenson, S. : Heart of Jainism, p. 285. 123. For example see Varāngacharitam, XXII, 47. 124. Krause, C : An Interpretation of Jain Ethics, p. 15. 125. Enthoven, R. E. : T. C. B., Vol. III, p. 434. 126. Stevenson, S. : Notes on Modern Jainism, p. 95.
In this connection it is reported' by Prof. Dalasukh Matavaniya that among Svetāṁbaras also Bhojaka Brāhmaṇas are appointed as Pujārīs. at some places and that these Bhojaka priests are really Jainas though they are termed as Brāhmaṇas. The number of these Bhojaka Brāhmaṇas is very meagre and now they refuse to work as Pujārīs. That
is why other Hindus are kept as Pujārīs in Svetāṁbara temples. 127. Russel, R. V. : T. C. C. P., Vol. I, P. 229. 128. For a detailed account of Abhisheka (bathing of the idol) ceremony,
vide, Jain, C. R. : Change of Heart, pp. 134-142. 129. Glasenapp : Jainism, pp. 407-408. 130. Stevenson, S. : Notes on Modern Jainism, pp. 100-101. 131. J. H., Vol. VIII, pp. 290-303. 132. Das, S. R. : “The Jain School of Astronomy" I. H.Q., Vol. 8, pp. 35-36.