Jaina Community -A Social Survey
a Tirthankara is not endowed with the act of creation and regu. lation of this world, the question of asking favours in worldly matters does not arise. A Tirthankara is, therefore, worshipped as an ideal to be aimed at by all persons who desire salvation. Hence the intention of Jaina worship is very pure and it is undertaken with a view to spiritual advance in the direction of that ideal.103 The attitude of a Jaina devotee is best, expressed in the following stanza which is commonly repeated while performing Jaina worship:
मोक्षमार्गस्य नेतारं भेत्तारं कर्मभूभृताम् ।
arar¿ fagaazaraj atè agyambad 11
"Him who is the leader of the path to Liberation, who is the crusher of mountains of Karmas, and who is the knower of all reality, Him I worship in order that I may realise those very qualities of His." Nothing is ever offered to Tirthankaras to obtain any boons from them. They are the model of Perfection for unemancipated beings, having been men themselves at one time in the past.104
But it is a fact that this ideology behind the Jaina worship is not accepted in its real sense by many Jainas. An ordinary Jaina is not satisfied with getting internal purity by worship. He considers a Tirthankara as a king, opens his heart before him and intensely desires to have his kind help in all his difficulties, small or great. When this element of favour by an outside agency is introduced, it is natural that Tirthankaras are worshipped in the same manner as Hindu gods are worshipped. While surrendering something to the Tirthankara, a corresponding favour is excepted in return.105 In many of the hymns composed in honour of Jina, the Jainas appeal to him with as much favour as the Brahmaṇa to his gods; and there are often expressions in them which ascribe to Jina a creative power. 106 A more favourable interpretation of these terms is possible and it is evident that such beliefs and practices are contrary to the real spirit of Jaina worship. They are considered to be result of false knowledge and as such true Jainas, who have obtained right faith, do not approve them.107
(III) The Manner of Worship :
According to Jainism knowledge may be derived by consider