Marriage and Position of Woman
safely say that the prevalence of child-marriage system among Jainas until recent times was not sanctioned by religion. The practice of child-marriages has at present become obsolete due to the effect of passing of Sarda Act and the general awakening among Jainas as a result of spread of modern education.
y As regards the proper difference of age between the two partners of marital union it has been specifically mentioned that if the bridegroom is older than the bride by two years, 'he is the best bridegroom; if he is older by 5 years, he is a good bridegroom or he can be tolerated and if he is older-by more than ten years, he is a worst bridegroom.50 It has been further stated that in any case the bride should not be more in age than the bridgroom as such a lady is regarded like the mother.51
7. CHOICE OF PARTNERS By choice of partners we mean the latitude of freedom given to the parties to the marital union to choose their partners. The choice of partners constitutes an important part in the institution of marriage.52 Complete liberty in the choice of partners is never given to the members who wish to enter the marital union. On the contrary rules and regulations are made with a view to limit the field from which the choice of partners can be effected. The broadest set of restrictions as to who shall or shall not marry whom concerns itself with prohibiting marriage without or within a given group, and thus prescribing endogamy (in-marriage ) or exogamy (out-marriage ).53 The endogamous rules forbid the members of a particular group to marry any one who is not a member of the group, and exogamous rules forbid the members of a particular group to marry any one who is a member of the group. These two sets of rules are by no means contradictory in so far as they refer to different groups.54 Let us see the nature and extent of endogamous and exogamous rules in the Jaina community.
In the Jaina community full freedom was given to the people in the choice of their partners from the very beginning. No restrictions regarding race, religion, caste, creed, etc. were placed. The choice was relegated to the sweet will of the people. In fact the most prevalent form of marriage was Svayamvara wherein the maiden selected her lover according to her own will, and there