Preface to the First Edition
Pandit Sukhalalji Sanghavi, Ahmedabad, Dr. Hiralal Jain, Muzaffarpur, Shri Kamta Prasad Jain, Aliganj and Pandit Dalasukhaji Malavaniya, Banaras, the research scholars of long standing in Jainology, for their encouragement and help extended to me from time to time.
The extensive bibliography given at the end of the book will show the names of authors I have consulted in the course of my studies and I hereby express my sincere gratitude to them. My thanks are due also to the prominent Jaina leaders and the editors of Jaina newspapers for extending their whole-hearted support to carry out a "Social Survey of Jaina Community" on scientific lines and to the persons who so readily sent their replies to the Questionnaire (see Appendix B) issued in this connection. I am also grateful to the authorities of Seth H. G. Jain Boarding, Bombay, for the facilities given by them.
I acknowledge my indebtedness to the University of Bombay for the grant-in-aid received by me from the University towards the cost of publication of this book.
I must offer my thanks to Shri V. Y. Jathar, General Manager of Samyukta Karnatak Press, Hubli, for the neat printing work executed by him and to Shri Krishna Potdar, Proprietor of Shrinivas & Co., Dharwar, for providing blocks used in this book.
I would be failing in my duty if I forget to offer my sincere thanks to my several friends who rendered to me timely help in one form or another.
Rajaram College, Kolhapur. January 26, 1959.
Vilas Adinath Sangave