TWO PRAKRIT VERSIONS OF THE MANIPATI-CARITA much more famous story: that of the false áccusation against the Buddha which is found both in the Dhammapada commentary and in Jātaka No. 472 (Mahāpaduma-jātaka). There the wench Ciñcamāṇavikā is suborned by sectarians to pretend that she is pregnant by the Tathāgata. She simulates this condition by wrapping rags and bits of wood round her belly and makes an accusation in front of the congregation. He replies Only you and I know the truth.' Then Sakra appears to reveal her wickedness and she is swallowed up by the earth. It is worth noting that unlike Kāṣṭha-muni the Buddha is not moved to anger.
The magic properties to be gained from eating a cock are no novelty. One may compare Jātaka No. 445 (Nigrodha-jataka) where a man overhears a cock boasting that whoever eats of its fat will become a king. He then kills and cooks it and gives it to Nigrodhakumāra who in fact becomes a king.