201 818. Sädhus are of this kind, as devoid of avarice as babes.
So abandon this obstinate misconception, Kuñcika' 819. “This parable I have heard is agreeable to the ears ; now
I shall tell one to you, Manipati, who are heedless of
so great a benefit conferred. 820. You are like the lion.' The sādhu asked him: What
lion ?' The merchant replied : 'Listen with attention,
reverend sir. 821. In Benares in the country of Kāśi a doctor had found
favour with King Jitaśatru. One day he died, 822. and the king when informed of this asked : 'Has he any
family?' The ministers replied : 'Two sons but they
are very young.' Then the king 823. appointed another physician in his place and the sons
went to a city elsewhere in order to acquire knowledge. 824. After studying the science of medicine they returned
thence and in the forest they saw by the side of the
road a blind lion weak from hunger. 825. The younger brother said : “My elder brother, in the
scriptures it is stated that religious ascetics, the helpless and similar people are to be given treatment, that
being the moral duty., 826. Now this lion is helpless so I will heal its eyes.' The
elder brother was not of this opinion but the younger
one insisted. 827. The elder one replied: 'If this is your intention wait a
moment until I climb up a tree.' 828. When he had climbed up the other brother anointed its .. eyes with an extract of a herb whereupon the lion, its
: sight restored, ate him up being hungry. 829. The other brother went to his own city and attained to
a life of ease. You who vex your benefactor are like
the lion, reverend sir. 830. The muni said: 'Kuñcika, do not speak thus ; for
sādhus are intent on compassion to living beings like the blessed sage Metārya.'