166 TWO PRAKRIT VERSIONS OF THE MAŅIPATI-CARITA 386. and this he would eat. One day, continued the Jina,
I arrived here and held a samavasaraņa in the caitya
of Guņaśila and the people sallied forth. 387. Making a vow that he would worship me the gate-keeper .. came to my presence leaving Sețuka to remain at the
gateway ; 388. and whatever loaves and other eatables had been put before
the yakṣiṇī heedless of his own life he ate them all up 389. until he had satisfied his hunger. No sooner had his food
arrived as far as his throat than leaving the gateway
he moved about thirsty and thought : 390. Blessed are the living creatures whose home is in the
water, that pass their time immersed in the water.' Then, the stab of colic coming on him, he died tormented
by the pain of harassing thoughts. 391. He next became a frog in an amply full tank here
in RājagȚha, and being immersed in the water he
disported himself to his heart's content. 392. One day whilst on a tour I again came here to this city
and the people who had come to the tank for water
were saying: 393. Move quickly, let us worship the Blessed Lord, the
Tīrtharkara who is praised by gods and demons. The
frog thought in his heart : 394. "Where did I hear of the Tīrthankara ?' and as he thus
reflected he obtained a recollection of former births and
saw the whole of his former existences. 395. Whilst he was moving along the road absorbed in devotion
in order to worship the Tīrthankara I was coming
after accomplishing an intense meditation. 396. Meantime King Sreņika surrounded by every pomp was
on his way to worship me. One of the horses 397. struck that frog with its hoof and as he was engaged in
an auspicious meditation he was reborn in Saudharma as one of the dardurānka gods.