hile talking about the Doctrine of Karma, we have discussed that the soul is potentially perfect. Its original nature is quite pure, but this original nature is suppressed by the crusts of molecules of Karma of the sixteenth group piled upon it and what appears to us is its assumed nature.)
The embodied soul is in fact a supreme soul. In its original nature, it has no name, no place but in its assumed nature, it is recognised by the name of Yogesh and as a citizen of the city of Bombay.
Thus one possessed of infinite happiness is called unhappy, though perfectly healthy is called diseased, though not man is called man, though not woman is called woman, though not beggar is called beggar.
It is the particles of Karma that create this distinction of the two separate natures of a soul. When all these particles of Karma are annihilated, fall out and are scattered in the sky, the perfectly purified nature of a being as a supreme soul is unfolded.)
We have discussed before that when Karmas of the sixteenth group stick to the soul, their nature gets determined. Ordinarily, they have a eightfold nature. They make the soul (i) ignorant, (ii) blind, or inert etc., (iii) selfish by making it mad in worldly happiness, pleasure loving, sexual, angry, loving or malicious, (iv) penniless, dependant or weakling, (v) physically happy or unhappy, (vi) bring death, birth and life, (vii) confer body, sense organs, respectability or hatred, honour or dishonour etc. and (viii) cause descent in high or low family.