(1) We should prevent the fresh influx of Karma and (2) Annihilate the sfock of Karma that has stuck to
the soul. By giving analogy of a reservoir to the soul, we wish to consider two things. The pipelines attached to the soul are the channels for the putrid Karmic water to rush in. But if we block the entrance of the pipelines, that would stop the new inflow. Thereafter the sunshine of fhe practices of fasts, penance and other religious austerities will generally dry up the dirty water accumulated in the past in the reservoir of the soul.
When an army invades a city, what happens is that initially a certain force makes its way into the city taking advantage of the negligence and unpreparedness of the citizens. But when the actual fighting breaks out, as a first step in the strategy, the defenders hold up the invading force outside at the gates and thus prevent it from entering the city and then take steps to wipe out the intruders. This tactic helps to gain victory.
Similarly by adoption of the above two-fold device, we can plan the destruction of the entire army of Karmic particles.
Friends, when shall we bring requisite conversion in the heart for liking the truth and standing by the truth? When shall we convert our life by actualising that truth in conduct? And when shall we calm the strife of the above four passions tormenting the soul ?
And thereafter by actively pursuing wholly beneficial activities of mind, speech and body, when shall we reach a state of surcease of this trinity and attain emancipation ? When shall that most holy and auspicious moment full of blessedness and bliss arrive ?