right conduct in lite in an increasing measure. Eventually his life becomes a consecration to conduct of truth.
Transformation of heart inevitably leads to a quick transformation of life.
But, friends, it often happens that the transformation of heart is not reflected in the transformation of life. A combination of circumstances and mental tendencies offer constant obstacles in the transformation of life. It is a common experience that despite a lively living faith in truth in the heart, its implementation in practice so often is hard to achieve.
This is a very unbearable state. It gives acute mental agony to the souls who find a gulf yawing between their faith and conduct. It gives no small pain to the soul, when faith awakened for truth in the heart, is not incorporated in conduct.
Liko a fish that without water tosses to and fro and is restless, such souls are fidgety at heart for want of conduct wedded to truth in life.
Let me give you an illustration. A man is habituated to smoking cigarettes for the last thirty years. At the age of eighty, he happens to come into contact with an American doctor, who convinces him of the dreadful nature of this habit and identifies it as the potential cause of cancer. This talk profoundly appeals to the smoker. But unfortunately he is unable to renounce smoking. This bad habit, being very old, has struck deep roots in his soul. His physical condition is so much inured to this habit that if he does not smoke, he would feel giddiness in brain and will have no free motion.
But what is to be done now? Such a man cannot control smoking. The fatal disease of cancer is staring him in the face. The very thoughts of physical ailments make him restless and uneasy. No doubt, he brings home a packet of Panama cigarettes but takes out a cigarette from it with a shaking hand. He lights the cigarette but falteringly and places it tremblingly in the mouth. His heart is convulsed by the gloomy foreboding of the fatal disease of cancer He feels helpless before the force of habit.