The Unknown Pilgrims
characteristics of the Terapantis? Like the Sthanakavāsis out of which they sprang, they offer no temple-worship. They possess for the whole gana one single acarya, nominated by his predecessor. This institution, namely that of having one sole religious and administrative authority, does not exist in the other sampradayas. It conduces towards strict discipline, but it also contains the disadvantages proper to any organisation centralised upon a single person. All the members who can do so gather each year by their thousands around the ācārya for several days to discuss the different problems which beset the gaṇa, take decisions and receive the directives of the acarya. The culmination of this assembly is the maryādā-mahotsava, the great festival of the Rule, which commencès on the seventh day of the bright fortnight of magha (January-February), the anniversary of the establishment of the rule of life proper to ascetics; these are days of fervour, spiritual renewal and fellowship.
Another characteristic of the Terapanthis is their lack of upäśrayas. The munis and sadhvis can lodge in rooms put at their disposal by śrāvakas or in unoccupied premises. 323
In regard to the doctrine, their interpretation of ahimsa (nonaggressiveness, respect for all beings), dayā (compassion, pity) and dana (gift, offering) is based on that strictness of vision which looks beyond the present moment, the immediate circumstances, the living being which one addresses or meets, to consider on each occasion the ultimate goal. Thence derives an attitude which, at first sight, may
chronological order following the sequence of the 9 ācāryas. Muni Śri, being also a poet and desirous of rendering this historical treatise more agreeable to read, composed for each sadhvi some dohäs, which present the chief features of her character and her life story, followed by the biographical notes. During my stay at Laḍanum in Nov. 1978, Muni Śri gave me permission to peruse Sasana-samudra and take notes.
323 The characteristic marks of the Terapanthi sadhvis are noted in Part III P 429-430; 442.
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