The Unknown Pilgrims
mentions that a woman ascetic named Kandiyār inserted some interpolations into the text, which allows us to suppose that she was very crudite.314 Ancient Tamil literature contains certain ethical works written by Avvaiyār, who was probably a Jaina ascetic who presented in brief format a teaching directed principally to women.315 Lastly, we know the name of Kākkaipāținiyār, a learned śrāvikā who belonged to the school of Tamil metrical-verse composition. Her work is entitled käkkaipātiniyām and was composed between the lind and Vth centuries. 316
From the inscriptions, as also from the literary works, we gain an overall impression of the social and religious background in the Tamil Nādu of that day: one outstanding feature to be noted is its liberal and positive attitude towards women, who did not appear to take a secondary place in society, but had access to possibilities of study and exercised a genuine influence and a certain authority in the local community. The existence in institutional form of kuratti adigals must have contributed to this influence. That institution, very flourishing from the IXth to Xith centuries, certainly made its mark on the surrounding society, if one is to judge by the number of pupils taught by the kuratti adiga!s and the active part taken by them in the worshi). They certainly followed Jaina doctrine but, contrary to the rule of life of the ascetics, they led a stable existence within a complex of community buildings donated to them.317
Apart from the kuratti adigaļs there is scarcely any evidence at all as to whether there existed other groups of aryikās, anagāris, going from place to place and begging for food and temporary shelter.
314 Cf. Meenakshisundaram, 1961, p. 124. Kandiyår is probably a corrupt form of Kavundiyår of Kavuntiyår.
315 Ibid., pp. 124-125; the epoch is not given.
316 Cf. Pitchai, 1978.
317 Further researches in other documentation of the period would perhaps shed some additional light on this organisation.
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