Jaina Logic of Agama Period
1. Contact between the cognitum and the cogniser 2. Intuition (darśana)—Indeterminate cognition; cognition of
simple existence. 3. Sensual perception (avagraha)--Cognition like 'there is some
thing'. 4. Speculation (iha)-Knowledge of the form of 'it must be
there'. 5. Perceptual judgment (avāya)—Determination of the form
“This is definitely so'. 6. Retention (dhāraņā)—The persistence of the determined
object, predisposition (vāsanā), traces and impressions (sams
kāra) 7. Memory (smrti)- It is a cognition expressed in the form 'that
object', which is consequent upon the awakening of the traces
(saņskāra). 8. Recognition (samjña)—The judgment 'This is that arising
jointly from memory and percep
tion. 9. Reasoning (cintā)—The terms cintā, tarka and üha are syno
nymous. It is the ascertainment of necessary concomitance like 'there occurs smoke only on the
occurrence of fire.' 10. Inference (abhinibodha)-The knowledge of the probandum
(sādhya) on the basis of the probans (hetu).
The probans is of four kinds: Positive probans leading to affirmation. Negative probans leading to affirmation. Positive probans leading to negation. Negative probans leading to negation.
Sensory perception (avagraha) is not possible without the contact between the cognitum and the cogniser, and the intuition (darsána). There cannot occur speculation (inā) in the absence of sensory perception (avagraha), nor perceptual judgment (avāya) in the absence of ihā, nor retention (dhāraņā) in the absence of perpetual judgment, nor retention without memory, nor memory. without recognition, nor recognition without reasoning, nor 'reasoning without inference.
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