41. Šāntisūri (11th century A.D.)
He was the disciple of Ācārya Vardhamāna of the Pürnatala stem (gachha). He composed explanatory rules (vārtika) on Nyāyāvatāra of Siddhasena and also wrote a commentary on it. It has got four chapters (prakaranas), namely Pramāņa, Pratyakşa, Anumāna and Agama.
42. Siddharsi (9th-10th century A.D.)
He was the disciple of Acārya Durgasvāmī. He wrote Upamitibhavaprapañcakathā on the fifth day of the bright half of Jyestha in 962 v.s. He also wrote a commentary on the Nyāyāvafara of Siddhasena.
43. Siddhasena Divākara (4th-5th century A.D.)
He was the disciple Acārya VỊddhavādī of the Vidyādhara branch emanating from Vidyādhara Gopāla. He was born in a Brāhmana family of the Deccan. Once he attempted to translate the Agamas into Sanskrit but dropped the idea on being disallowed by his teacher.
Two of his works dealing with the Pramana are very important: 1. Sanmatitarka-It contains a vivid exposition of the nuyavāda
in 167 Prākrit verses. Nyāyāvatāra-There is a brief exposition of the Pramānas in 32 ślokas in it. It is considered to be the first work on the Pramana.
He is the writer of the Bhagavati Arādhanā. He has written a work named Siddhiviniscaya in Sanskrit.
45. Somatilakasūri (1355-1424 v.s.)
His other name was ‘Vidyātilaka'. He was born in 1355 v.s., was ordained in 1369 v.s., attained the status of an ācārya in 1373 v.s. and expired in 1424 v.s. He composed a commentary (vrtti) on the Şaddarśanasamuccaya by Haribhadra at Adityavardhanapura.
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