Gollācārya. The sphere of his activity was the city of Dhārā and its adjoining area. He belonged to the ācārya tradition of the Nandi gana under the Müla samgha. He was a scholar in the city of Dhārā and was respected by king Bhoja. His co-religionist (sadharmā) was Muni Kulabhūsana. He composed a number of works independently and wrote commentaries on many books. Gadyakathākośa is his independent composition. His principal explanatory works are as under:
Prameyakamalamārtanda-It is an annotation on Parikșa
mukha written by Acārya Māņikyanandi. 2. Nyāyakumudacandra--It is an annotation on Laghtyastraya by
Acārya Akalanka. 3. Tattvārthavrttipadavivarana-It is an annotation on the
Sarvărthasiddhi. 4. Sākațāyana-nyāsa-It is an annotation on sākațāyana
Vyākarana. 5. Sabdambhojabhāskara-It is an annotation on the Jainendra
Vyakarana. Pravacanasārasarojabhāskara-It is a commentary on the Pravacanasāra by Kundakunda.
Scholars believe that the Prameyakamalamārtanda and the Nyāyakumadacandra contain the treasures of logic and hold a special place among the works of the middle age on Jaina philosophy. Although these are annotations, they evince the versatile knowledge of Acārya Prabhācandra at every step. They are the bases for the logical works of the later period.
34. Pradyumnasūrī (12th century A.D.)
His disciple was Candrasena. He composed the work entitled Vādasthala.
35. Rājeśvarasūri (14th-15th cen. A.D.)
He was the disciple of Acārya Tilakasuri belonging to the Maladhāri stem (Santānīya-Harsapuriya branch) of Maladhāri Abhayadevasūrī. He wrote a running commentary (panjikā) on Ratnāvatārikā in the first and the second decades of the fifteenth century of Vikrama era. He composed many works like Syādvàdakalikā, Şaddarsanasamuccaya etc.
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