Varieties of Pamāņa
Pamăna is stated to be fourfold, viz.
(i) davva pamana-standard (of measurement) of substances, (ii) khetta pamana-standard (of measurement) of lands, (iii) kala pamana-standard (of measurement) of time, (iv) bhava pamana-standard (of measurement) of states. Davva pamuna (the standard of measurement of substances) is twofold, viz. (i) payesa nipphana-concerned with the space-points (of the
things to be measured), (ii) vibhaga nipphanna--concerned with the various types (of
measures). Vibhāga nipp hanna (the standard of measurement concerned with the various types of measures) is fivefold, viz.
(i) mana-measurement of quantity, (ii) ummāna-measurement of heavier weights, (iii) omana-measurement of length, (iv) ganima-measurement by counting. (v) padimana-measurement (of gold, etc.) by means of artificial
weights. Khetta pamana is twofold(i) payesa nipphanna-concerned with the space-points (of land
to be measured), (ii) vibhāga nipphanna-concerned with the various types (of other
measurements of land).
Kāla pamāna is twofold
(i) payesa nipphanna-concerned with the time points, (ii) vibhāga nipphanna-concerned with the various types (of
Bhāva pamāna is threefold
(i) guna pamāna—standard of attributes, (ii) naya pamāna-standard of standpoints, (iii) saṁkhā pamana-standard of number.
Guna pamana is twofold
(i) jivaguna pamāņa-standard of attributes of the soul, (ii) ajiva guņa pamāna-standard of attributes of the non-soul.
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