All in Good Faith
Emphasizing the essential unity of faiths, Siri Guru Granth Sahib's words are:
False is the one
'Don't say the Vedas and the Books (Torah, Bible, Qur'an) are false. who does not study them.'
All faiths worship the same God using different names for Him and praising some special divine attributes. All mankind is one. The apparent differences in form are indicative of God's glory in revealing Himself to various people. For example:
'The Vedas and the Books (Torah, Bible, Qur'an) all stand and worship You. So many people are lying at Your door that they cannot be counted. Numerous Brahmas and Indras with their thrones. Shivas and incarnations of Vishnu sing God's glory and so do many pirs Prophets, Sheiks. and holy men. You pervade all completely and are fulfilling Yourself in all. Falsehood destroys and people can reach You only if they follow the correct way but we all do what You Yourself call us to do'.
Also in Dasam Granth Sahib, Guru Gobind Singh Sahib tells us:
Some shave their heads and become Sanyasis, some become Yogis. some are celibate and some are known for continence. Some are Hindus and others Muslims, Sunni or Shia. Recognize all humankind as one. The Creator and the Merciful, the Provider and the Gracious are the same God. Do not, in error or doubt, accept any other. All serve the One. He is the One Divine Teacher of all, there is but One Form, let all understand Him to be the same Light.'
For a Sikh, there are no bad people. All are created by God. They may appear to be different but all are God's creation and part of God Himself. Siri Guru Granth Sahib tells us:
'One God is the Master of all, there is no other. When, through the Guru's grace, He resides in someone's mind, He manifests Himself in that person. This entire creation is a manifestation of the Omniscient God and He is everywhere. If one carefully studies the (Guru's) Word, how can one call anyone bad. A person talks about good and bad people only so long as he is caught up in Duality (that the creation is separate from God). One who has followed the way shown by the Guru has understood the Unity and is absorbed in God.'
Interfaith Understanding in Sikh History and Practices
Throughout history, Sikhs have been committed to religious harmony and interfaith cooperation. Guru Nanak, the founder of the faith, was loved by Hindus as well as Muslims. He was referred to as the Pir of the Mussalmans and Guru of the Hindus. While ordering the execution of the Fifth Nanak, Siri Guru Arjan Dev Ji, Jehangir the Mughal emperor in Delhi