All in Good Faith
(b) Unity of Creation and Creator
According to Sikh belief, creation is a manifestation of God Himself. He creates it, pervades it and all finally merges into Him. It does not have an independent permanent existence.
(c) Divinity of the Human Soul
The Sikhs believe that the human soul is part of God. If one understood this link with Divinity, one would be at peace: accept God's love and rejoice in His will.
(d) God controls Creation. All act according to His will
It is a
The entire universe does what it is given to do by Him and in the manner He wills it. play within Himself that God has caused to occur and is watching.
(a) Nearness of God and Guru
Prayer is not merely a recitation of prescribed words in a certain specified manner but a constant consciousness of the nearness of God and Guru and a constant reference of all our thoughts and actions to God and His wishes. This consciousness is necessary to acquire humility and development of love for all. It also provides the moral strength to avoid the traps of lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego. An example from Siri Guru Granth Sahib is:
'My friendship is with the One God and I love only Him. God alone is my friend and He is my only companion. I converse with God alone. He never has a frown on His face. He knows all that worries me and never turns His back on me. God alone, with the power to create as well as destroy, is my only adviser. He, who has His hand on the heads of all the givers in the world, is my only Giver. The One God, who has power over all, is my support. The Guru has placed his hand on my head and united me with God, the source of peace, the One who is Saviour of the whole world. O Nanak, one's heart's desires are fulfilled and one finds the True Name if the union is ordained (by God) to start with.'
(b) Meeting God through Love
The Sikhs believe that union with God and complete understanding of His love can only be achieved through love for Him and for His creation. Hatred for anyone has no place in a Sikh
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