does not just mean not to take what is not given, but it means, not to exploit poor people, natural resources, animals and people at large. Stealing, whether it is by individuals or corporaters or nations, occurs because of selfish greed. Non-stealing, really is giving up greediness and cultivating generosity, the sense of giving. The third precept is not to misuse sexuality. It repudiates the improper sexuality. Misguided indulgence and over indulgence in sex creates many social, physical and psychological problems and diseases like AIDS. Human history tells us that several occasions; sexual misconduct has also been a cause of war, as has been lying. Abstaining from lying is manifesting truth which is very relevance for every one working towards peace and justice. There must be harmony between what we talk and act. At present, our national and international leaders, corporate houses lack this integrity, which is creating serious problems. The fifth precept prohibits taking intoxicating substances. National leaders whose minds have been clouded by drugs are not rare in the history. Alcoholic drinks and drugs dull our perceptions and sensitivities. Our youth is becoming victim of intoxicating stuffs. If we do not stop this increasing use of intoxicants, our future generations may become impotent and useless to human society. The international drug trade in itself has become a major impediment to peace in most parts of the world.
Moral virtues preached by the Buddha such as loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, are very relevant in this age of unrest and hateredness. Loving kindness or universal love represents a warm hearted concern for well-being of others, feeling of friendship, affection towards whole creation, whole existence. The Buddha says love must not be restricted to one's nearest and dearest, it should ideally be extended outwards in ever increasing circles to ultimately embrace totality. This love is basis for the faith towards each other in the society. The lack of faith leads to suspicion, which ultimately leads to ill-feeling, hatred and war. Hatred does not cease by hatred any time, hatred ceases by love. Compassion [karuna) stands for altruistic or humanitarian service. Ego is root cause of intolerance. When ego breaks down, the division between one's self and others naturally disappears. Eventually, others' sufferings come to be regarded as one's own. If little consideration was given to compassion, the tragedies which happened in the world history, such as Hitler's massacring thousands of Jews, throwing Atom Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and many other violent conflicts, could not have taken place. At present also, this virtue of compassion can only save the world from third world war and total destruction. Mudita or sympathetic joy is another important virtue preached by Buddhism. Today what we see in the world is rise of feeling of hostility and jealousy at other success and achievements. This sympathetic joy is the antithesis of that hardhearted competitiveness that is so prevalent today. Mudita means feeling of success and achievements of others as one's own giving up sense of jealousy.
The Buddha taught that the first step on the path of peace is under