some moral energy is widespread, the peace in society and life is comparatively happy and comfortable. If unwholesome moral energy is widespread, strife in society is similarly rampant and life becomes more and more troublesome. Commentary on Dighnikaya (III.854] clearly states about the fate of the mankind in a morally bankrupt world. According to this, when mankind comes under the grip of greed, hatred and delusion, downfall is brought about by famine, fire/weapons and diseases respectively. The situation in the modern world is such that three morally unwholesome motivational roots seem to be active and man is receiving three pronged retribution for his own immoral actions.
Lord Buddha's statement that 'the world operates through human ideas' is very significant. This statement is pregnant with true meaning. We are aware that human ideas have brought about vast changes in nature to such an extent that nature's purifying; rejuvenating and repleshing capacities have been outstripped by man's activity of exploitation, causing unprecedented pollution and impoverishment. The root cause, that is responsible for this crisis is man's greed for luxury, wealth and power. The human brain has developed without keeping pace with human heart and moral responsibility. Intellectually, modern man has become giant, but emotionally he is a dwarf, suffering with spiritual bankruptcy. The irony of modern man is that he is torn apart with conflicting desires and practical realities. Further, intellect is limited, he lacks the vision to see hoe far-reaching his behavior and actions are and how they affect positively or negatively his own well being. For example, in search of more food man changes his environment according to his technological skill. He uses the chemical fertilizers, insecticides herbicides in agriculture for better harvests. These destroy the natural bacterial balance which gives rise to adverse chain reactions, which in turn affect human health and well-being.
When the atmosphere gets polluted, sentient beings are affected very badly and even Vegetation are sensitive to this type of pollution. It is experimentally proved that plants thrive much better in an atmosphere of peace and purity, but they tend to get stunted or they wither away in polluted environment, when they are harshly treated with violent actions or words. According to Buddhism man's moral disposition has direct deep-rooted relationship with the environmental crisis.
According to scientists, air pollution with increased carbon-dioxide is due to fuel burning which in the long run would contribute to global warming with catastrophic effects on human well-being. It is now conjectured that the disappearance of the dint from the face of the earth is due to reduction of oxygen level and increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
The present situation of environmental pollution is far more grave than that which caused the extinction of those enormous beasts, as carbon