Oneness of mankind, unity of all living beings and all existence must be main aim of every philosophy and every one of us. This essential unity of all beings and all existence gives rise to the sense of whole world as one family. When we rise to this higher level of oneness of humanity then only, truce peace will prevail in individual as well as in human society. This is the true message of Vedanta Philosophy.
The situation as it exists in the world today is quite alarming. It calls for a forthright spiritual and ethical intervention under the paradigm of the Vedanta philosophy. Vedanta has the power of creating an order of life under which the spiritual and material we-being of mankind can be ensured and which can liberate this strife riddled world from the peril of destruction. Vedantic spirit wants us to shun hatred, ill-will and animosity to our fellowbeings and instead develop attitudes of acceptance, regard, caring, sharing and love which is a vital aspect of righteousness. The same spirit also directs us to accept the principle of the unity of all beings or oneness of Existence, which ensures a lasting support to the spirit, on its part, ensures human well-being at large.
The dualistic, divisive and inherently perverse thought -content has fragmented mankind into ferociously destructive racial, cultural, religious and national groups, which virtually subverted the supreme identity of man as the Human-Being-in wholeness. This state of affairs has surrounded us with devastating problems now manifest violence, terrorism and mass killing of civilian populations through armed conflict. In the present-day world, in a rapidly advancing Nuclear Age, the well-being of human is inconceivable in the absence of unity of all existence.
Standing at the threshold of a new age or at the brink of disaster, it is now far us to see how teaching of Vedantic philosophy of unity of all existence, can, be implemented for the ultimate well-being of humanity. The survival of humankind on this planet is now bound up with its inner unification with a global society resting upon the federation of Earth- all intended to bring about a lasting peace.
Let us hope the Vedantic notion that all things share a fundamental sameness, may work as a basis for establishing a world peace- culture and may contribute to the long elusive goal of unity among all humanity.