universe"(BrahmaivedamamrutamHH.II.II.11].This Divinity or Pure Consciousness is inside and outside of everything [Tadanatarasya sarvasya tadu sarvasyasya bahyatah- Isha Upanishad.5).
These Vedantic statements indicate the spirit in all is one. It is the same consciousness which indwells in the Cosmos as a whole and in each being and in the object. It is One Supreme Consciousness which pulsates in human beings, plants and so-called non-living things. This consciousness is active in living organism and dormant in non-living things. The distinction between living and non-living ceases to exist for a person who has attained the vision of this Reality. Again, these Vedantic utterances indicate that all things in the universe, living and non-living, are connected together into one common background known as Brahman, which is Absolute Existence, Absolute Consciousness and Absolute Bliss [ Sat- Cit- Anandam Brahman) .The pure consciousness is the single thread which unites all. Everything in the universe is connected together is beautifully described by great Philosopher Yajnavalkya in Bruhadaranyaka Upanishad. He says 'Everything exists in Space or ether. This space exists in imperishable in Brahman, the Ocean of Consciousness. This Reality has inter-penetrated the whole universe, everything exists in this imperishable Brahman [ Br.UpH.] .There is fundamental unity behind everything. Though the diversity is felt fact, it is not ultimate, declares Katha Upanishad by stating that there is no plurality whatsoever [Neha nanasti kincana).Peace belongs to him, who sees unity behind diversity [Tesham shashvati shantih netaresham]. Thosands of years ago, our Vedantic seers have realized the fundamental truth that entire universe is One Whole, interconnected and interdependent. There is a fundamental unity which is the basis of all existence and the ultimate goal of all knowledge.
Vedanta Philosophy declares in categorical terms the unity of each individual and essential unity of all human beings. The Divine power which permeates the entire universe is found in the heart of every human being. Divinity is inherent in every individual and thus all are born divine. The Bhagavadgita states' God dwells in the heart of every human being' ( Ishvarah sarvabhutanam hruddeshe Arjuna tisthati -). According to Vedanta Philosophy, there is no difference between individual to individual, because same divine power [ Consciousness) flows in all. Not only this there is also no difference between individual Self and the universal Self or ultimate Reality, because essential nature of both is the same i.e. Consciousness and secondly, same all-pervading supreme Consciousness is inside and outside of everything. The Vedantic statements like 'That thou art' ( Tattvamasi]; 'This Atman is Brahman' [ Ayam atma brahma); 'I am the Brahman' ( Aham brahmasmi]; 'I am That' [ So aham); clearly bring out the identity of individual Self and the Universal Self. The supreme goal of human life is to manifest this divinity within by controlling internal and external nature and by realizing unity with universal Self.