sexuality. Male dominated society is committing violence against women. The cases of molesting women, rape, pornography and prostitution are the inevitable outcome of systems that objectify women's bodies which are reduced to commodities on the market. It is misuse of sexuality. Again, this precept asks us to maintain healthy atmosphere , honour the body of nature. When we begin to interfere with the natural order of things, we throw off the whole ecological balance. When nature is exploited, whole atmosphere becomes polluted. We should not interfere extensively with the biological laws and their function. If we interfere, we have to pay heavy prize for that, which we are at paying in the form of facing global warming, Tsunami, etc.
The fifth precept is non-possession. It teaches us to lead a simple life which gives tremendous happiness and peace. Man who lives in simple manner, does not need too much things and his wants are very limited. He will not exploit or heart anybody or anything for his sake. He is contended with whatever he has. So, these Yamas which are practiced whole heartedly certainly help to establish peace on earth.
Practicing meditation is also known to reduce stress and increase happiness. It is proved beyond doubt that Meditation improves mental focus, independent of its spiritual content. Meditation is a useful tool for our life style. As we continue to meditate, we would not only gain the benefit, we expect greater mental focus and effectiveness, and we could become more peaceful as well. Meditation is also reduces mental stress. Stress reduction by itself makes room for spirituality, reduces tension and makes people less prone to anger and violence.
Question is how to expand the impact of yoga on individuals to the larger context of creating a peaceful society? We all know that institutional violence and aggression appear in the form of conflict between political groups, between religions and between other groups. The goals of these conflicts include asserting dominance, gaining power, and gaining resources, seeking revenge or financial gain. The causes of institutional, national violence and wars are very similar to the seeds of conflicts within people i.e. greed, selfishness, jealousy etc. Nations and institutions are motivated by the same factors as are people, because, ultimately they are composed of people. Yoga tells us that changes within the individuals will eventually change the institutions that they make up. Transforming the people will eventually lead to transformation of institutions. Yoga contributes to the growth of non-violence. As violence reducing institutions grow in size and influence and personal psychology transforms, the major national, cultural and religious institutions will also transform. The practice of Yoga will be central to the transformation of individuals. Those transformed individuals will be creating institutions which will follow the path of non-violence.
Practice of Yoga gives us a calmness and presence of mind. When