Religious fundamentalism is raising its vulgar head which is another biggest threat to the world peace. It has created problems all over the world, giving rise to conflicts, violent clashes, bloodshed, and killing of thousands of people.
The modern society is faced with conflicts, selfishness, struggles, competition, individualistic motives. Turmoil and military operations as well as guerilla war are prevailing in several parts of the world, because, our society is dominated by persons with individual interests. At present, we are on the brink of a global war that threatens to extinguish permanently all life on the planet. Certainly this will take place, when the collective selfishness of individuals, to pursue their own desires, greed, wealth, power, the venting of frustrations through anger, hatred ad brutal self-assertion, overcomes the collective compassion of individuals for others. War is not something abstract; war is waged between one group individuals and another. It is individuals who decide to wage war. Even if the war is global, its beginning can be traced back to the decisions of individuals.
The peace we all desire so much has not been attained. There is must be something seriously wrong with our progress and development. If we do not check it in time, there could be disastrous consequences for the future of humanity. If we give too much emphasis only to science and technology, neglecting human values, we are in danger of losing touch with those aspects of human knowledge and understanding that aspire towards honesty and altruism. The present day world trend indicates that we are in a state of unbalanced development, lacking on the spiritual side. The basic cause of problem is that the general level of conscience and consciousness and other spiritual qualities has not evolved to the extent that science has. We have to accept that, age old humanitarian and spiritual values have largely shaped world civilization. Science and technology, though capable of creating immeasurable material comfort, can not replace these human values. Thus, it is necessary to strike a balance between material developments on the one hand and the development of spiritual, human values on the other. Humanitarian values are bedrock of all the great cultures of the world and universal humanitarianism is essential to solve the global problems.
Wars begin because of the people of the country or at least their rulers have unfulfilled desires, they are greedy for benefits or wealth or power or they are angry, jealous or hateful. Either their desires have been thwarted or their pride, their sense of self has been offended. This can also manifest as racial or national arrogance .They wrongly think that the answer to problems, which are essentially within their own minds, a matter of attitude, can be sought externally through use of force. Force and violence, even to the level of killing never solves anything. Killing generates fear and anger, which generates more killing more fear, in vicious circle, without end. The emo